Sunday, October 28, 2007

We're the who?

Q: So, what were nearly 50 different teenagers doing on some weekends and nearly every Sunday in the small town of Hudson, Michigan during the 1970's?

A: We were practicing or singing with the Victory Singers, a teen choir started from the youth group of the Hudson Wesleyan Church.

"We're the Victory Singers
and we sing a Victory Song"

What a wonderful and life changing experience to have been involved in this choir and group. Our brave and fearless spiritual leader and musical director, Rev. Richard Diesler,

was under the direction of some very capable ladies:

Mary Diesler, keeper of home and hemlines;

daughters Sue and Marilyn; our musicians, arrangers, lyricists, wardrobe designers and imparters of fun and jocularity!

We also had a two fine percussionists: Phil Rhinehart and Alton Stiverson
And trumpeters: Margie Moore and Rick Diesler

Within the group there were a few smaller ensembles:

John & His Five (even before there were cell phones, we had our fav five!)

The Sandal Sisters & The J.C. Distributors (Victory Singers and local Campus Life Club friends)

Sunday afternoons would find us gathering in the church sanctuary to practice our singing. Followed by Wesleyan Youth Group and evening worship. Sometime after that evening worship time we would carpool and head over to Olin and Margaret Millers (our Youth group sponsors) home for food and fun or during the summer months travel to Devils Lake Church Drive-in.

Once we had the music memorized, parts harmonized and plans summarized we would carpool or later board the bus to travel to our singing engagements!
Here are some pictures taken at a recent get together in October 2007


victory singers said...

Well we did it we got together! I am not at all sure if I am doing this correct but I will continue. It was so great to see all of you and see how you are still serving the Lord. We had a great start with our parents and the Deislers. I thank God for them and wish all teens were as lucky as we were and still are because we have not allowed things to change except maybe our hair, a few wrinkles, and extra pounds. (I don't mean all of you I am looking in the Mirror.)
May God be with you and please keep everyone in the know in our lives through this blog. thanks Pam for setting this up.
Love Kathleen

KathleenB said...

Well I am either over tired or under sleepy! It has been a busy time and continues to be with Josh and Krystal home from three years in Germany. Josh is our youngest and he is an air force firefighter. they will be leaving in a few days for Louisanna. he has one year left in the AF. All our family will be home tomorrow and our middle child Annette with be 27 years old on thanksgiving. time flys. our oldest son and his family live in Auburn IN and he is busy with a Podcast called the world gone mad. it is for teens. they can down load them on their Ipods or get cds. They did about 625 cds for our service men and women. It was alittle hard for Toby since he had experienced his brother being over their. I am anxious to hear it. Well i keep blabbing on so good night and have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!
Kathleen Baker

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone !! Pam Miller said i should post here and say hi, which i am pleased to do so. My time spent with the Victory Singers was some of the most fulfilling and fun time i had. My memories of my time with you all, will never fade. Skipping ahead 35 years, im hiding out in a small town in Kentucky, close to Lake Cumberland, called Russell Springs. Ive been here 5 years, and love it. My drumming days are over, but i keep some around just to make some noise. Id love to hear from everyone. My email addy is so if your bored someday, please drop a line and say hi.
Your Friend in Christ
Rhino, a.k.a. Phil Rinehart