Friday, December 21, 2007

December, Decemeber, Where is December?

Where has December run to? I can't believe the winter months are here in Michigan and we are covered in snow already. Brrr, it is damp and cold! But what about the winter months can warm us?
Well, Christmas cards from friends, or Christmas carols and carolers, Christmas baking, Christmas shopping, Christmas gift wrapping, giving, and un-wrapping! I have even received several wonderful Christmas emails! Songs, angels, elves, elves that look like friends, even snowman.
As I visited with a friend the other day we were talking about the wonder of nature, and all that God sends our way to enjoy each day. As we were talking, a beautiful cardinal came and sat under the bird feeder and was enjoying a mid-morning munch. He was very majestic in all his red finery, setting there on the fresh snow fall. We marveled at all the reminders of Christ and His gift at Christmas.
I hope that you have been able to find a quiet spot and reflect on the most wonderful gift of Christmas, God's one and only Son, Jesus Christ! "O what Love the Father has lavished on us!"

Victory Singer Update: There will be an Open House on Saturday, January 19, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Sally Sherman's home. This open house is for all former Victory Singers and spouses. If you would like more information please email me, and I will forward the information to you.

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